Thursday, February 1, 2024

02/01/2024: Galatians 5:6 – I live in Christ by faith working through love.

Thought for today – I live in Christ by faith working through love. 

Apart from faith in Jesus Christ, nothing I can do carries any value in the sight of God.  If I follow the law fastidiously, or if I live apart from the law, I cannot attain anything of eternal worth.  My standing and relationship with Jesus Christ depend exclusively on faith in Him, and any good that I do is the product of faith through love at work in my life.  This is true for me and everyone else alive today.

That’s what the Bible says!

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02/07/2024: Galatians 5:24 – I must constantly crucify the passions and desires of my flesh.

Thought for today – I must constantly crucify the passions and desires of my flesh. Those who have been called and redeemed by Jesus Christ ...