Tuesday, January 23, 2024

01/23/2024: Galatians 4:6-7 – By the Spirit of Christ, we can call on God as our Father.

Thought for today – By the Spirit of Christ, we can call on God as our Father.

The fact that we can address the God of the creation, the holy and righteous Lord God Almighty, as “Abba, Father!” is one of the most remarkable statements in this epistle.  How can it be that one who was born a slave to sin under the Law has been adopted into the family of God and made an heir of God through Christ?  As God’s sons and daughters, we have been granted the indwelling presence of the Spirit of Christ by which we call God, “Abba, Father!”  Paul used that specific term, “Abba,” to emphasize the informal, familial relationship with God the Father that is ours in Christ.  Through faith in Christ, we have passed beyond slavery to the freedom of the children of God.  As His children, we can freely call on God our Father for help in every need and crisis.  Glory to God!

That’s what the Book says!


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