Wednesday, January 24, 2024

01/24/2024: Galatians 4:8-9 – Legalism rejects living by faith in Christ

Thought for today – Legalism rejects living by faith in Christ and accepts the bondage of works-based religion.

Before we came to faith in Christ, we were in bondage as slaves to the weak and beggarly elements of this world that cannot save.  It sounds incredible that anyone who has trusted in Christ would turn from freedom in Him back to the world and be bound by the Law and its rituals.  This is what legalism is and how it works.  Legalism makes one believe that he can achieve a right standing with God by the things that he does.  That way fails every time and ends in the stifling bondage of fear of not being good enough and pride in one’s own works.

That’s what the Bible says!


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