Saturday, January 6, 2024

12/30/2023: Galatians 2:9 – The grace of God carries equal value but separate individual responsibilities.


Galatians 2:9 (NASB)

and recognizing the grace that had been given to me, James and Cephas and John, who were reputed to be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, so that we might go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcised.

Thought for today – The grace of God carries equal value but separate individual responsibilities.

This verse states that the essence of God’s work of grace is not based on the Law, practice, or tradition.  God’s grace in salvation is His free gift given sovereignly regardless of what one has done either good or bad or could ever do.  That same grace carries forward into our life in Christ for He continually gives us grace to accomplish His work through us, and for each one of us that grace is unique.

That’s what the Book says!

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