Thursday, January 18, 2024

01/18/2024: Galatians 3:21-22 – The Law is not a pathway to righteousness; faith is.

Thought for today – The Law is not a pathway to righteousness; faith is.

If we are saved by faith and not by works, and we are, what good is the Law?  Paul addresses that question by pointing out the great need of man is to find a way to God.  If there were any way to righteousness and this to God by keeping the Law, Jesus’s sacrifice would have been unnecessary.  The Law itself, however, demonstrated the need for the promise of faith in Christ because it lays bare our sin and reveals how desperately we need a Savior.  We need the Law because it proves how unrighteous we really are.

That’s what the Book says!


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02/07/2024: Galatians 5:24 – I must constantly crucify the passions and desires of my flesh.

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