Friday, January 12, 2024

01/12/2024: Galatians 3:6-7 – Only those who have faith in Jesus Christ are the children of Abraham.

Thought for today – Only those who have faith in Jesus Christ are the children of Abraham.

Verse 7 contains a statement that must have been extremely shocking to the Galatian readers, “only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.”  To the Jewish believers, this was contrary to all that they had been taught about the unique nature of their heritage as the natural sons of Abraham.  According to this statement, some who were Jews by birth were excluded from the family of Abraham for not having faith in Jesus Christ.  To the Gentile believers, the concept that they could be included as children of Abraham by faith set them free from the prejudice and exclusion that they experienced.  Here, then, is the truth of this declaration – Jews who have no faith are not the sons of Abraham, and believing Gentiles are sons of Abraham by their faith.  Unified by faith, Jews and Gentiles form one new body, the church, and are both equally sons of Abraham.

That’s what the Book says!


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02/07/2024: Galatians 5:24 – I must constantly crucify the passions and desires of my flesh.

Thought for today – I must constantly crucify the passions and desires of my flesh. Those who have been called and redeemed by Jesus Christ ...